Artworks from Umberto Ciceri

Umberto Ciceri

For years, art has stirred humanity, but with Umberto Ciceri's mastery of his lenticular printing, the opposite is equally true. The Italian artist is obsessed with creating movement from silence. His work turns stationary spectators into an engine that brings the artwork to life. When orbiting a Ciceri piece, it seems to come to life and rebel against its static state. Specializing in lenticular 3D, his panels feature silhouettes of figures and objects in seemingly perpetual motion.

Umberto Ciceri is represented by international galleries, participated in the 54th Venice Biennale in the Italian Pavilion and his works are in prestigious private collections around the world!
Ciceri, geboren in Milaan, Italië, studeerde af aan de Academie voor Kunst en Mode en de Textielontwerpuniversiteit in Milaan. Gedurende 25 jaar deed hij persoonlijk onderzoek naar neurofysiologie, perceptie en de biologie van het zicht dat het uitgangspunt van zijn kunstwerken zou worden. Hij woont en werkt in Bologna.

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