Artworks from Jimmy Nelson


120 x 100 cm


273,- p.m.


170 x 140 cm

On Request


170 x 140 cm


545,- p.m.

XXXIII 24 Tufi, Papua New Guinea 2017

170 x 140 cm


654,- p.m.

XXXVII 85, Día de los Muertos, Oaxaca, Mexico, 2017

170 x 140 cm


545,- p.m.


170 x 140 cm


414,- p.m.

Altai sum, Bayan Ulgii province Mongolia 2017

140 x 260 cm


545,- p.m.



545,- p.m.

Jimmy Nelson

Since his first internationally acclaimed exploration of Tibet nearly 30 years ago, Jimmy Nelson (born in Kent, England, 1967) has traveled to the world's most hidden corners to photograph indigenous peoples. In 2013 he published his first book "Before They Pass Away", making his lifelong dream of creating awareness about the unimaginable diversity of the world a reality.

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